Connect Opsgenie (Incident Management)


Connecting your Opsgenie alerts to WayFinder to include incident management data

In order to get Time To Restore and Change Failure Rate metrics, you need to add an Incident Management data source for your product in WayFinder. Connecting your Opsgenie alerts can provide this data. There are three items you will need:

  • Opsgenie user API key
  • Opsgenie instance data centre location
  • Incident management team name(s)

Opsgenie User API Key

Least privilege and least data

We aim to ingest only the minimum data possible to provide you with metrics. For Opsgenie you remain in control of this by providing WayFinder with an Opsgenie User API key with limited permissions.

Creating an Opsgenie user API key

Follow the instructions from Opsgenie for Creating User Account API Key (please note that you need a user API and not an integration API key).

What permissions are needed?

We aim to use least privilege and therefore only the following permissions (access rights) are needed:

  • Read
  • Configuration access

Opsgenie Instance Data Centre Location

Opsgenie has two locations 'US' and 'EU'. The easiest way to confirm your data centre location is to look at the URL when you have logged into Opsgenie.

  • https://<your_company> is "US"
  • https://<your_company> is "EU"

Incident Management Team Name

This is the Opsgenie Team that responds to alerts for the project in WayFinder. The Team name can be found under the 'Teams' tab in Opsgenie.